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Oxenfree II: Lost Signals Review (PS5, PS4, Switch, MacOS, Android, iOS, & PC)

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Oxenfree II: Lost Signals review

Both Oxenfree and Oxenfree II: Lost Signals are cut from the same cloth. So, the ones who managed to get their hands on the original should definitely check out the sequel. But even if you’re now just joining the party, Oxenfree II: Lost Signals is as much the genre-defying supernatural mystery/horror graphic adventure game as its predecessor. That, plus featuring a new standalone story for newcomers to feel at home. 

Developer Night School Studio and Publisher Netflix have finally released Oxenfree II: Lost Signals onto the market. After two delays, it’s heaven-sent to, at long last, experience what the sequel has in store for us. Nearly all platform owners can access the game, except for Xbox users. And Netflix subscribers can play the game for free, albeit on your phone via the Netflix app. 

House-cleaning aside, is it worth playing Oxenfree II: Lost Signals? How’s the gameplay, the story, and the graphics? Is there anything new in the way of refinement and polish compared to the predecessor? Let’s assess these and more in today’s Oxenfree II: Lost Signals Review.

A Stranger Things Reload

Oxenfree was channeling a lot of Stranger Things vibes. Although described as a supernatural thriller, it wasn’t the kind that packs a lot of jump scares at every turn. Rather, the kind that takes you along on a summer vacation story like any other, and then, for things to go awfully wrong the minute you're fully invested in the story. 

On that note, Oxenfree fans will be happy to know that Oxenfree II: Lost Signals maintains the same vibe. There’s a certain chill that courses through your veins throughout the game. Especially when Riley, the main protagonist, returns to the very place that sent the five chatty teens running for the hills five years ago, vowing never to return.

But while the predecessor followed a group of teens, Riley, the new protagonist, is an adult environmental researcher trekking this new adventure solo. She does have a companion, a high-school friend called Jacob, who offers a leaning shoulder. Consequently, the dialogue takes a more mature turn. Often unearthing Riley’s past and expounding on her worst fears. 

Read You Loud and Clear

Oxenfree II: Lost Signals

Why is Riley heading back to the haunted remote island, you ask? Well, reports of mysterious radio frequencies have erupted yet again. This is five years after the teens from Oxenfree narrowly escaped the horrors of the island, swearing never to go back. 

Riley feels she has to, though. That in some shape or form, she could help resolve the issue. So, with Jacob alongside her, she sets off to investigate what could be causing the unnatural electromagnetic waves that consequently interfere with radio and electrical appliances in her hometown of Camena. 

Upon arriving, she’s told she can help by planting radio transmitters across the small town. This way, Scientists could gather information emitted from the transmitters and assess the cause of the mysterious radio frequencies. 

Sounds easy enough, right? As a gamer, you can already anticipate things quickly taking a turn for the worst. Ghostly signals burrow their way through the radio frequencies. In the end, you have no choice but to tap into their eerie sounds and listen for clues.

Paranormal + Interpersonal

Soon, the ghostly signals become powerful enough to alter the earth beneath your feet. Houses tilt in strange ways. Shadowy supernatural beings appear and disappear out of the corner of your eye. Planes crash. TVs turn on and off. How do you fight the paranormal? When time portals open in the sky, it’s clear your time here will take much, much longer than anticipated.

Meanwhile, as did Oxenfree, the story juggles the spooky and emotional like a pro. Riley is so relatable; it feels like you’re wearing her skin. She has her own past demons to fight. Yet, seemingly, the world depends on her to overcome her issues so she can be of use to everyone else.

Walk and Talk

One of the things Oxenfree II: Lost Signals is careful to maintain is the spoken artistry of the original. You can listen to Riley and Jacob “walk and talk” for hours. It combines realistic writing and such wonderful performances, so much so that the Oxenfree series could give Disco Elysium and Firewatch a run for their money. 

What’s different about the original, though, that completely elevates Oxenfree II: Lost Signals to a whole new level is the new walkie-talkie mechanic. By tuning into various channels, you may connect and speak to the locals all over Camena. I say “may” because choosing to speak to either contact is entirely up to you. 

From the radio DJ to the sailor, each contact you speak to has a unique story and personality. Which, in retrospect, opens up the game to an expansive world. There’s never a time when you feel bored because there’s always someone on the other end of the line to chat with. 

Perhaps they reveal a deep-seated secret about Camena that answers the burning question you have. Or, they give you a side quest that sends you exploring a newfound area you didn’t know existed. Or simply having someone to chat with about a new discovery.

Chills Down the Spine


There’s something quite creative with the way Oxenfree II: Lost Signals engages the player. Here you are, fumbling with the radio knob, plugged into an enticing story, when suddenly, you’re thrown into a series of rapidly moving, creepy shadows lurking just behind you. 

It’s a fine balance between chill and tension that manages to keep you on the edge of your seat. And when not on bated breath, Oxenfree II: Lost Signals allows you the time to bond with Jacob over ludicrous yet enticing conversations like, “Do you believe in ghosts,” somber pasts, and bleak-looking futures none of us like to dwell on.

Fortunately, you can choose where the story heads. You can make decisions that drastically alter reality. However simple, each choice is pivotal to how your adventure pans out. And so, you continue to draw closer to the minds of the developers, hoping to make the right decision so things turn out exactly how you want them to be. You know, so Jacob continues to help out, and Camena’s mysterious cultists don’t decide to slit your throat in your sleep.

Mystery Solved!

Oxenfree II: Lost Signals

Up till now, you don’t know why the ghostly portals are back. As well as how to stop the mysterious radio signals from interfering with daily life. There’s also the question of Edwards Island and whether the events that happened during that time seeped into Camena. How have people survived since then? 

So many questions that lead to a sheepish smile painting across your face once you uncover them. It’s the joy of Oxenfree, of uncovering the mysteries that justifies the time and effort put into reaching thus far. 

Of course, Oxenfree has never let its guard down as far as the art direction is concerned. Oxenfree II: Lost Signals’ graphics remain true to the original, adopting the same paint style albeit with a new orange palette that syncs well with Riley’s range of emotions.



Oxenfree II: Lost Signals is, first and foremost, a spooky adventure with constant unnerving static throughout the game. It doesn’t care for gameplay, unapologetically showering every ounce of love and care on the narrative. You don’t have to do much except see and hear. And as the narrative starts to untwirl, a permanent realization hits you that this might just be the best, expertly written, and surprisingly poignant tale ever. 

Throughout the game, Oxenfree II: Lost Signals maintains a strong atmosphere that marries well with chilled gameplay. The graphics are only the icing on the cake, adopting a somewhat simple yet absolutely stunning art style. 

Quite frankly, the only con is the light focus on gameplay. There are no real puzzles to speak of and a few moments in exploration that feel slow-paced. Yet even with the few downsides, the overall game remains a top-notch haunting experience.

What are your thoughts? Will you be grabing a copy of Oxenfree II: Lost Signals? Let us know over on our socials here or down in the comments below.

Oxenfree II: Lost Signals Review (PS5, PS4, Switch, MacOS, Android, iOS, & PC)

A Stunning Haunting Experience for Story-Driven Fans

As with the original, Riley, a new protagonist, embarks on yet another summer haunted gig. Mysterious radio signals threaten the livelihood of her hometown, Camena. So, she sets out in the hopes of uncovering the secrets that lie within. There are no actual jump scares. Rather, a gradual sink into a chilling story that builds up over time. And the supernatural and interpersonal wove together to create deeply intoxicating and fantastic writing. 

Above all, Oxenfree II: Lost Signals prioritizes storytelling and adventure. There’s very little gameplay and no real puzzles to solve. However, the more you dig deeper, the more the game slowly unravels as one of the most intriguing ghost tales ever written. Overall, if you love Oxenfree and/or graphic adventure games, Oxenfree II: Lost Signals is a must-play. If you don’t, though, it still won’t hurt to try.

Evans I. Karanja is a freelance writer who loves to write about anything technology. He is always on the lookout for interesting topics, and enjoys writing about video games, cryptocurrency and blockchain and more. When not writing, he can be found playing video games or watching F1.

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