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Marvel Snap: 5 Best Tips for Beginners

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Marvel Snap: 5 Best Tips for Beginners

There are no words to describe how cool it is to shout “Oh, snap!” out loud. Even if it's just you and your phone in your living room, once you feel the rush building, there's no turning back. If you’d like to always stay ahead of the game, here are the five best Marvel Snap tips for beginners you should know.

5. Know When to Snap

Marvel Snap: 5 Best Tips for Beginners

Alright, we know how tempting it is to snap, but there’s a time and place for it. If you feel particularly confident that you will win the match, then go for it. Or you could be bluffing to play mind games. 

Say, if your opponent doesn’t snap back immediately, it could give you an idea of how confident they are feeling in their chances of winning. Just remember that you can always retreat early to cut losses, if any, or snap again to double the wager.

4. Study Your Opponent

One thing you can always take advantage of is the strengths and weaknesses of your opponents. But you have to study their play first before making your move. There are tons of ways studying your opponent could work in your favor. 

You could learn more about new cards you haven’t played with before. Or, you could have a seat and see how differently you could use the cards you already have in your deck. Overall, it’s a fast and easy way to learn new, exciting gameplay. 

3. Keep Calm and Undo All

You know that feeling when you know you screwed up but feel helpless because you’ve already played your hand? Well, don’t panic. Just keep calm and undo. Marvel Snap offers an “undo all” option. Simply tap on the energy icon and then the “undo all actions” button to try again.

2. Shy Away from Random Play

Randomness can only take you so far. But to truly grab that win, you’ll need much more than that. You’ll have 12 cards in a deck, each unique from the other. Instead of randomly stacking cards, you’ll want to collect a mixture of hero cards that synergize well with your other cards. That means having a firm understanding of what each of your cards can do.

1. Locations Have Abilities Too

Marvel Snap: 5 Best Tips for Beginners

It’s not just cards that have unique abilities. Locations do too. This means that certain cards are only effective in specific locations. This completely changes the game, giving you an advantage in a given match based on the cards in your deck. So keep an eye out for new locations and consider how they might affect your gameplay.

You also don't want to overcommit to a location too soon. Because you need to secure two out of three locations to win, you'll want to play across all three locations on your first few turns, then boost the locations where you're already ahead on your last few turns.

So what’s your take? Do you agree with our five best tips for beginners in Marvel Snap? Let us know down in the comments or over on our socials here.


Evans I. Karanja is a freelance writer who loves to write about anything technology. He is always on the lookout for interesting topics, and enjoys writing about video games, cryptocurrency and blockchain and more. When not writing, he can be found playing video games or watching F1.

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