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5 Best Kids Games on PlayStation Plus (August 2023)

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PlayStation Plus’ Kids & Family catalog is certainly worth keeping an eye on these days, as it not only boasts a wide selection of multi-platform all-time favorites, but also a surprising amount of exclusive IPs, too. In the beginning of August, for example, the platform received yet another batch of universally celebrated titles, which included the likes of SpongeBob SquarePants: Battle for Bikini Bottom — Rehydrated, and Fast & Furious Spy Racers: Rise of SH1FT3R.

Anyway, introductory spiel out in the open, which of said favorites from PlayStation Plus’ casket of freebies are currently worth playing? Well, if you do happen to have an active subscription, and are also looking to scratch that hearty and wholesome itch, then be sure to read on. Here are the best kids games on PlayStation Plus right now.

5. Sackboy: A Big Adventure

Sackboy: A Big Adventure - Story Trailer | PS5

There’s a reason why LittleBigPlanet topped the charts way back in 2008; it was flawlessly innovative for its time, and arguably one of the best vessels for the home-brewed tagline “Play, Create, Share” that Sony could’ve built from the assets it harbored. And honestly, even in 2023, its latest installment, Sackboy: A Big Adventureis equally as strong as its forebears — if not vastly superior, both visually and mechanically. Therefore, given its pristine history of being one of Sony’s best-selling poster children, it’d be a crying shame to nudge it under the rug in favor of something, well, less impressionable.

Sackboy: A Big Adventure is a 3D platforming game that encourages budding builders and platforming enthusiasts to unleash their inner creatives over a series of jam-packed themed levels. It’s available to play either alone, or with up to four people via its local co-op function. So, if you enjoy quality platforming with copious amounts of bows to some of PlayStation’s iconic franchises, then be sure to sink your teeth into this faithful counterpart.

4. Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town

STORY OF SEASONS: Pioneers of Olive Town - Launch Trailer

If you’re all for the quiet life that binds with a cosy farming and life simulation-type experience, then there’s no doubt about it — Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town is hands down one of the best of its kind. It’s also incredibly easy to pick up and play, as it offers easygoing mechanics and a crafting system that’s both extensive and digestible. Plus, as far as cutesy simulation games go, it’s definitely one of PlayStation Plus’ primary frontrunners in the category.

Like a great deal of farming sims, Pioneers of Olive Town is centered around a patch of neglected farmland—a plot on which you must cultivate and nurture for the sake of returning it to its former glory. Olive Town, being merely a stone’s throw away, is another primary location in which you’ll be devoting your time to, as it offers an adequate amount of quests, activities, and opportunities to develop everlasting friendships. It’s a great farming simulation game for newcomers, basically, and it’s worth checking out if you’re after something that’ll keep idle hands busy for days, weeks, and even months.

3. Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart

Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart – Launch Trailer I PS5

Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart marks a spectacular return for the beloved duo, as it brings yet another memorable platforming journey to a rich and vibrant world that, quite frankly, has the raw power to make Disney-Pixar quake in their boots. And while it’s relatively short and laden with cutscenes, it’s still, without doubt, one of the greatest action-adventure games on the current market — PlayStation Plus included.

Rift Apart transports you to an alternate dimension—a world in which Ratchet and Clank have stumbled upon their doppelgängers, and more importantly, a second self-appointed Nefarious, who once again aims to conquer the multi-dimensional network. In a bid to dethrone the tyrant, the four heroes will set out to explore vast lands, bustling cities, and an entire ocean of ancient landmarks. It’s light on the platforming, and heavy on the action-adventure aspects, making it a perfect time-killer for those easily swayed by hearty narratives with one too many gadgets and gizmos to boot.

2. SpongeBob SquarePants: Battle for Bikini Bottom — Rehydrated

SpongeBob SquarePants: Battle for Bikini Bottom - Rehydrated | Release Trailer | PS4

After years or gnawing at the developer’s ankles for a modern remake of SpongeBob SquarePants: Battle for Bikini Bottom, THQ finally decided to remove the thorn and do something about it. And it was a job well done, all things considered, as its glossy repackage, Rehydrated, actually went on to score near-perfect scores all across the board, mostly for its nostalgic tones and revamped mechanics.

Battle for Bikini Bottom is a semi-open world platforming game set within the beloved nautical realm of Bikini Bottom. Once again, it casts its focus on Plankton, along with his plans to conquer Bikini Bottom and swipe away the Secret Formula. With the underwater city swarming with robots and other misplaced oddities, the fish folk look to a new hope—a sea sponge, of all things, who has the power to put a stop to Plankton’s wrongdoings and return Bikini Bottom back to its former glory. It’s simple, wholehearted fun, and it performs twice as well on modern hardware as it did back in 2003.

1. Human: Fall Flat

Human: Fall Flat | Gameplay trailer | PS4

Although there are quite possibly hundreds, if not thousands of playful couch co-op games out there, only few of them have been able to live up to the same standard as Human: Fall Flat, a charming yet oddly chaotic physics-based favorite that tasks multiple players with completing a series of themed levels. Sounds simple of paper, for sure, but it is worth pointing out that your character—a blank canvas named Bob—is in receipt of zero spectacular abilities. Instead, each Bob is only capable of using their hands and head to complete puzzles and platforming sections. And that’s it.

Human: Fall Flat is a game best played with multiple people, as it offers several co-op-inspired zones that require numerous hands and heads to conquer. It isn’t mandatory by any means, but it’s certainly more enjoyable, and not to mention more chaotic, when experienced as a collective. Also, it’s one of the best kids games on PlayStation Plus, period — so make sure to give it a whirl the next time you’re on the hunt for something to tackle as a team.


So, what’s your take? Will you be picking up any of the above kids games on PlayStation Plus this month? Let us know your thoughts over on our socials here.

Jord is acting Team Leader at If he isn't blabbering on in his daily listicles, then he's probably out writing fantasy novels or scraping Game Pass of all its slept on indies.

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