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Hearthstone: 5 Best Tips for Beginners

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Blizzards turn-based deck builder Hearthstone may be nearing a decade old, however, that doesn't mean it's out of the picture. To this day, Hearthstone remains a relevant, engaging, and complex card game. As a result, it's never too late to get into it. That being said, if you're just getting started in this day in age, you may find yourself up against players with years of experience. So, rather than throwing you into the deep end and leaving you to figure it out on your own, we've compiled this list of the best Hearthstone tips for beginners to help you out.

5. The Basics

tips for beginners

When you first launch Hearthstone, you start with the basic Mage deck. Before you can get the ball rolling, you need to defeat the other classes in AI matches in order to unlock them. We strongly advise you to absorb as much information as possible during this introduction phase, as it is essentially a tutorial on how the game plays and functions. You'll learn about each class, their unique abilities, and how they match up against one another. So, pay close attention during this phase because it will show you the ropes.

Once you've unlocked all the classes, you'll be able to pick and play as anyone you want. This is where things get tricky because you're now on your own to figure out the next stages of strategy. As a result, once you've unlocked all of the classes, one of the best tips for beginners is to pick one class and main it.

The main reason for this is that focusing on just one class at first will help you learn the game's basic strategy. Furthermore, because each class plays differently, you don't want to overload yourself with information all at once. Even if you only play one class at first, you'll learn how the other classes play when you're up against them in casual matches. Consequently, it's a great way to figure out which class you want to play next.

4. Building Decks

tips for beginners

Once you've played a few games, you'll probably start unlocking new cards and card packs. This will almost certainly entice you to build your first deck. Building decks is a lot of fun, but it's a double-edged sword. Building decks is half of the game's strategy; the other half is how you play that deck in matches. So, while it may be fun to just throw cards into a deck, deck-building requires a lot more strategy than you might think.

As a result, one of the best deck-building tips for beginners is to look up some pre-made beginner decks for the class you're playing or use the game “Smart Deck Builder” to build your first deck. This way, you'll be using decks that are actually designed to work. As a result, you'll start learning about mana curves in your deck, card-class composition, and more. After you've experimented with a few pre-made decks, you'll have a better understanding of how to effectively build your own.

3. Board Control

tips for beginners

Although the goal of Hearthstone is to deplete your opponent's health, minion cards often get in the way. If you've already played a few matches, you've probably come across Minion cards with the “Taunt” effect. Essentially, this means you have to take out this card before you can attack your opponent directly. It almost acts as a shield for your main character. Consequently, Minion cards with the Taunt effect are a perfect example of why board control is so crucial in Hearthstone.

One of the best tips for beginners is to worry about the minions on the board first, then depleting your opponent's health second. If you don't pay attention to the cards on the table, your opponent will gradually add more, leveling up their attack and defense, and eventually, be able to wipe you out in one hit because you have no defense. So, try not to let your opponents get a great board setup – board control takes over and wins games.

2. Card Order, Strategy, and Combos

Despite the fact that your deck is shuffled at random before each match, the order in which you play your cards is still important. This is due to the fact that if you play your cards correctly, you can set up some devastating combos. Furthermore, by reserving cards for specific situations, you may be able to demolish your opponent's strategy or next move. So, you want to be diligent about what cards you play and when you play them.

The primary strategy is to place a large number of minions on the board, then build them up or use them in conjunction with spell cards, ability cards, and persistent effects such as “Taunt.” It may take two or three turns soaking hits and setting up your cards, but once they're all set up on the table with the appropriate cards in hand, you'll be able to completely destroy your opponent. This is also further reasoning as to why you want a good pre-made deck, one that helps you establish board control and has the necessary cards to set up combos, because all of these tips for beginners tie together.

1. Don't Get Diminished

Hearthstone is one of those games where you have to learn from your mistakes. You'll start getting a good deck and strategy going, sweep your opponents for a few matches, then get completely dominated as you level up. That's because, the better you get in Hearthstone, the more aspects of strategy come into play. All the way to the professional level, where even the smallest details in a game matter. Nonetheless, one of the best tips for beginners is to not let Hearthstone's steep learning curve discourage you.

Hearthstone is not a game that's meant to be mastered. It will constantly challenge you as you level up and face off against better opponents. So, take every loss with a grain of salt. Don't be upset if your sick new deck doesn't work out; instead, analyze why your opponent's deck countered it so well. This is what will take you from a beginner to a pro.

So, what's your take? Do you agree with our Hearthstone tips for beginners? Are there other tips or tricks that we should know about? Let us know in the comments below or over on our socials here!

Riley Fonger is a freelance writer, music lover, and gamer since adolescence. He loves anything video game-related and grew up with a passion for story games such as Bioshock and The Last of Us.

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